Late this summer I found myself in a creative funk, feeling uninspired and without direction. So when Lisa posted registrations for this challenge I jumped at the opportunity remembering that each of the Pine Ridge Treasure events I had participated in had been very growth-full experiences. When my challenge kit arrived, I was thrilled to find six discs in primary colors with a rather weathered finish . . . (of course I forgot to take a picture.) They reminded me of a bouquet of balloons and I knew at once that I wanted to do the floating house from the movie "UP."

I searched for the perfect house bead to go with my ceramic beads but could not find what I was hoping for. I decided to make one out of brass, etch it, layer it with details and stamp it with the words "home is where your heart is." I laid awake nights happily designing this piece in my head until one day I realized I was OOT (out of time!) It was so hard for me to let go of my "brilliant" idea and move back into reality . . . I was so stuck that I almost pulled out of the challenge! I was desperately in need of an attitude adjustment . . . I needed to let go and just "go with the flow." So I did and this is what happened ~
Go With The Flow
Using the ceramic beads as the focal point, I embroidered around them adding unplanned touches as I went. I had no design, no vision . . . nothing but the beads themselves and the piece as it took shape to inspire my direction. The seed beads literally flowed around the ceramic pieces, little dangles found their way onto the beads anchoring the discs, the bottom of the focal piece practically begged for fringe while the chain sprouted beaded beads that flow freely up and down its length. The earrings just sort of appeared! I kept creating until the piece told me it was done . . . and then, so was I. This "letting go" style of creating was an epic and glorious, mountaintop moment for me and without a doubt one that will influence my artistic approach in the years to come.
And so, we have done it again, Lisa Lodge . . . the platform and the growing . . . and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of your inspirational community. Thank you and all the artists that participated in this challenge and to Grubbi Beads for the amazing materials we were so privileged to work with. Until next time, just go with the flow!!!