I had so much fun with all of you on the Summer Color Surprise blog hop that I couldn't resist joining this one despite knowing that my schedule was already so full. I tried to be prudent by ordering the smallest kit thinking that less beads would make the challenge so much easier . . . oh my, not so! I received five beads that were all so different from each other that I couldn't imagine what to do with them. I need structure!!! I need direction!!! I need a pattern!!! (sigh) I took these beads everywhere, looking at them in different lighting and in a variety of settings but nothing came to me. I was doomed . . .
So I went sailing. On the boat the only book I happened to have was Sherry Serafini's Sensational Bead Embroidery which I had never bothered to open because I just knew I would never do anything that crazy. But it was the only book I had to read and Sherry promised that this was the perfect medium for the creative, restless soul and . . . well . . . honestly . . . it just kind of possessed me. I was definitely out of my league and in way, way, WAY over my head. I seriously had no idea what I was doing or even how to start but I tried hard to embrace the ideals of spontaneity and freedom that the book espoused. Sherry suggested that one start with the focal bead and let it tell you what the final piece wanted to be. My focal was a beautiful little sea turtle (White Clover Kiln) and he truly spoke to me and guided my hand and heart in this humbling but growth-filled first attempt at bead embroidery. In addition to the four other incredible beads (by Grubbi) from my kit, I used only what I had in my stash and this is what I created ~
This piece depicts the baby sea turtle's initial heroic struggle as it travels from it's onshore nest to the ocean, a large number falling prey to natural predators. I named my piece endangered because, sadly, even those arriving safely to their ocean home are gravely affected by man-made causes . . . pollution and global warming. As a scuba instructor and lover of our beautiful undersea world, I am passionate and fully committed to its conservation and preservation. A percentage of all wanderware sales is donated to Project Aware - a movement of scuba divers whose mission is to protect the ocean planet one dive at a time.

Instead of jewelery, I am mounting this piece on a beautiful leather box that interestingly has a clock inside. Perhaps this reminds us that time is running out on our ability to protect and preserve so much of our planet.
I am interested in auctioning endangered and donating 100% of the proceeds to Project Aware. Any suggestions on how to do this effectively would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you Lisa Lodge for this opportunity to truly be a "creator" and to all these amazing artists whose creations inspire me daily. Check out their Lampwork and Clay challenge pieces at the sites below.
Mary Govaars, MLH Jewelry Designs
Melissa Trudinger, Bead Recipes
Kathy Zeigler Lindemer, Bay Moon Design
Laurie Vyselaar, Lefthand Jewelry
Annette Rivers, MamaOwl's Mess
Karin King, The Sparkle Things Blog
Shaiha Williams, Shaiha's Ramblings
Mimi Gardner, Baubles, Beads and Other Curiosities
Dee Alcalde, Agape Creations Jewelry
Kay Thomerson, Kayz Kreationz
Karla Morgan, Texas Pepper Jams
Lori Jean Poppe, Lorillijean Creative Corner
Eleanor Burian Moore, The Charmed Life
Leah Mifflin Tees, My Beady Little Eyes
Terri Wlaschin, Dances in Fog
Sharyl McMillian-Nelson, Sharyl's Jewelry
Jo-Ann Woolverton, It's a Beadiful Creation
Veralynne Malone, Designed by Vera
Linda Aspenson Bergstrom, TBD
Toltec Jewels, Jewel School Friends
Judy Turner, Silver Rains
Gloria Allen, Gloria Allen Designs
Kathleen Douglas, Washoe Kat's
Connie Tipton, TBD
Christie Searle Murrow, Charis Designs Jewelry
Andrea Glick-Zenith, ZenithJade Creations
Michele Dotson, Star Jewels
Chris Eisenberg, Wanderware
Jennifer Clifford, TBD
Kathleen Breeding, 99 Bottles of Beads on the Wall
Molly Alexander, Beautifully Broken Me
Loretta, Loretta's Boutique
Carolyn Lawson, Carolyns Creations
Shirley Moore, Beads and Bread
Bonnie Coursolle, Jasper's Gems
Alice Craddick, Alice's Beads and Baubles